Thursday, March 19, 2009

25. Robtar, Disney, and Puking... oh my!

Funny how a place that felt so unlike home for four years of my life almost felt homey as I returned to it. I always said while I really did enjoy going to school in Florida (aside from hurricanes, etc) I never wanted to live here.

Now I'm not so sure. Well, okay, maybe part of it is the fact that it just brings me back to being at school again and my friends being here and things, or maybe part of it is just that a place always looks better when you return after being away for a long time - Minnesota did too. But I remember coming into the familiar Orlando airport on Saturday and a big part of me suddenly felt like it was right.

This of course was all outside of the part of me that felt SICK AS HELL. I woke up Saturday at home feeling feverish and proceeded to throw up. Hoping it was just something I ate combined with tylenol, I packed in a half-hour and felt fine on the drive to the airport. Grabbed a muffin and some water on my way to the gate, got on the plane, buckled in and all, then right as the seatbelt sign went on, I felt my stomach lurch again and I quickly made my way back to the toilet of the plane and threw up again. It was a little frightening, being in the bathroom when the flight attendants were being told to prepare for take-off. But I sat back in my seat and with some Sprite, managed to feel better.

Seeing Rob again is always utterly faaaabulous, of course. His boyfriend Rick is a total sweetheart too, kind enough to let me crash with him. We got up early on Sunday to make our way over to Animal Kingdom - after me waking up at 5am to puke again. Was visiting the bathroom every chance I could for the majority of the morning as well, but we managed to get to the rides we wanted, but I finally had to admit how shitty I was feeling to the boys. Puking after I ate ANYthing, and going to the bathroom as often as I could... not a fun way to spend Disney. We visited health services and I downed some Pepto and popped some Imodium - hoping hoping I'd be able to keep down some of the deliciousness from Epcot: Italy.

We met up with Tiffany and headed over to Epcot. Rob and Tiff oogled the hot waiters, and I had no such luck with the food. Of course it was exactly what I shouldn't have been trying to put in my stomach, but they had no broth soups or crackers, dammit. Afterward we were walking back to the Monorail, but I felt like Such. Shit. Felt like I was really going to pass out in the 90 degree weather and dragging my feet 10 yards behind everyone else. I would have asked to just go home if we hadn't planned to meet Rebecca over at Magic Kingdom.

But then Rob had one of his strokes of genius: The Wheelchair. At first, I was skeptical... did I really want to trade slowing them down by lagging behind to forcing them to push me around all day? Well, it ended up working out fantastically as not only was it one of THE main sources of entertainment for the rest of the night, but it let me save all my energy and put it into actually having fun. Man, it was awesome! Plus, it got us some nice cuts in lines. Seeing Rebecca again was a thrill, like always - we keep growing up in different places, but we're still the same people as ever. I love her to death, although it would have been nice to get a chance to actually sit and talk with her. Since we were getting line cuts, we were actually on the move for most of the evening, and being in a wheelchair makes it hard for you to participate in walking conversation when it forces you to crane your neck up the whole time, AND forces them to bend their heads down to you too, which is hard when they're trying to walk. But yeah, I'll need to really call and talk to Rebecca soon. Been far too long.

Was an interesting perspective to say the least. Saw many a Disney bathroom and would be the first in line to sign a petition for them to improve the quality of their toilet paper, but, it ended up being a great day. I wish I'd taken more pictures.

In fact, I need to take more pictures period. I've hardly taken any this whole trip and dammit I didn't get one with Chris yesterday. Yar. I've also decided I'm going to have to get my own phone and phone plan, because Rob, Alexa and others do more texting then calling these days. And my brother just got what limited, expensive texting capabilities I did have taken away.

More later, but for now, I'm gonna use what little time I have here to revel in my current social opportunities.

1 comment:

Whit said...

Oh man that sounds like it'd be sort of fun in a wheelchair, haha! It would be cool to just be able to sit there and be pushed around, even if your stomach is killing you. And yes you must get a phone with texting. It seriously is the best thing. I text ALL the time (except not in Costa Rica haha). Hope all is well, and keep up with the posts!