Sunday, November 9, 2008

10. To sleep, perchance to... Dad, shut it!

I've realised the main reason I'm having trouble not forgetting to blog before the day is up is because I usually tend to write right before bed - and bedtime, especially for weekends for me is past the midnight deadline. My dad hates it, he's always giving me crap about going to bed earlier amongst other things. That seems to be his favorite as of late. I'm 22 years old, Father, I know it's healthier to go to bed earlier than I do - but I'm also not getting up at 6:30 in the morning every day. I can run on much less sleep than he can and sometimes even better if I have only 5 or 6 hours versus 9 or 10 because my body's so used to it. None of that matters for him, though, he just needs something to get on my case about - and it can't be my weight lately cause he knows I'll throw a million things I learned at Green Mountain at him if he does that, so it's all my other bad habits.

I'll go to bed if I'm tired, though! I don't think he realises this. I can force myself to stay up, but I don't really have a reason to. I've been missing out on talking to and hanging out with a bunch of friends because I've been going to bed around midnight or one versus three or four. I know, ridiculous sounding but when those friends are in different timezones, different countries, or don't get off of work until 10, it begins to make a bit more sense. And I became friends with them back when I had nothing to wake up for and stayed up most of the night anyway.

It's both harder and easier when I get up regularly. Harder to get up every morning, but much easier to force myself to bed at night. I feel the insomniac I was in college slowly ebbing away - It didn't even do it when I was getting up at 6:30 for camp during the summer - I'd still stay up until 5 to talk with people then sleep for an hour, get up at 6:30 to wake kids and go to breakfast, then I'd take a couple naps during the day. Now I'm definitely sleepy at night and haven't been late to work once yet when getting up in the morning.

So Dad can piss off. I'm not going to bed at 10:30.

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