Saturday, November 15, 2008

16. 1,2,3,4, can I have a little more?

I'm officially half way through my NaNoBloMo, and haven't missed a day! Woo! Again, more Friday Five on Saturday! I'm doig more than one set though, because they're short:

1. Last party you went to?
- Corlett's going away/birthday party the weekend before she moved out to New York. It was fun! Played with Legos with her little nieces and had an awesome dinner and nummy cake.

2. Do you pee in the shower?
- Uh... no? That's slightly awkward.

3. Have you ever fired a gun?
- Nope. Guns terrify me, honestly. I'd be nervous to even hold one.

4. Where do you call home?
- Right now? Stillwater. At the house I grew up in. Sigh.

5. What's your favorite board game?
- I have a lot: Cranium, Clue, and Life are some of my favorites. I HATE MONOPOLY.


1. What's your weather?
- Cold cold, been snowing a bit lately, but not enough to stick. Very wet.

2. Where are you on your way to?
- That's a loaded question. No where specifically. Forward in life?

3. Are you good with directions?
- Not really. I get lost a lot, but not cause I'm bad with directions, road things just tend to confuse m if I haven't been there before. I have a big tendency to miss things.

4. Do you know your neighbors?
- One set, yep! The Choinieres have been like a second family to me since we moved in. John and Dan are all off at grad school and college and having real lives and things now like I am, so I don't see my honorary brothers much anymore. But Becky is still so fun to chat with, I wish I saw her more. She's an awesome second mom. I don't know my other neighbors other than they've got a Jack Russel that they really need to TIE UP better cause he keeps getting loose and driving my dog nuts.

5. What do you smell?
- Not much, at the moment. My house, I guess. Little bit of constructiony smell from my dad cutting holes in our walls.

1 comment:

Megan said...

>> Guns terrify me, honestly. I'd be nervous to even hold one.

Ditto, dude. I never want to be in the same room as one.

>> What's your favorite board game?

Oh, good memories of Cranium. I love it!

>> Where are you on your way to?

Places. With things. (had to channel Kev there for a second)