Monday, November 3, 2008

4. Bono, the King of Ireland

Stressful sort of day today. I finished the ballots and got the I Voted stickers all ready, but I didn't have any volunteers with me in the computer lab today which had me running around like a short-order chef from student to student again. I wish more parents would volunteer if the teachers insist on ending me fifteen kids at once. It won't even help when I get the other side of the lab up and running because if there's still only one person to check kids off, kids are just going to be sitting and waiting with their hands up versus standing and waiting to be shown to a computer like they are now. But then crap kept coming up all day like it was picture retake day and no one told me that I should come up to get mine taken for the yearbook since I wasn't hired in time for pictures before. So I completely missed that memo until the photographers were already gone. Sigh.

Although the weather was AMAZING today! Since when is it 70-some degrees out in November in Minnesota?? Of course I was stuck inside doing the play versus having outdoor recess for once but I thoroughly enjoyed driving home with no jacket and my windows down. I like that feeling whenever I can do it, but it feels especially good when the previous week you were wearing three layers along with gloves to touch your steering wheel.

But now I just feel a little bleh about the week. It's a short week, but I'm dreading dealing with voting and the election... it'll be nice that it'll be OVER, cause we got probably seven phone calls today from stupid campaign people. I'm nervous though. I'm nervous to vote in person for the first time since the last couple have been via absentee when I was going to school in FL. I hope it's warm out tomorrow too as I can't go until after work and who knows how long the lines will be. I can just feel this knot in between my shoulders not coming out until it's over.

And then I've gotta clean like a mofo so the house is ready for Thursday instead of Friday as previously planned. Mmmm mmm last minute schedule changes, nom nom nom.

I love how it didn't take too long for this blog to get whiny. Oh well. I'll be infinitely more happy if a certain candidate owns face in the polls tomorrow.


Megan said...

I've been so nervous about the election, too. I felt like a little kid on field trip day this morning; woke up early, couldn't get back to sleep because I was so excited/nervous. This was my first time voting in person, too, no absentee this time. I originally wished I had done early voting, but there was something kind of special about going to the polls the day of the election. I'm making fun food tonight and waiting for election results. We should phone or AIM or WoW during that.

Meg said...

Yeah, that's how I felt too - as much as voting early would be a stress relief, I both don't think we had the option in MN, AND I kind of wanted to see what the polls were like. What's the fun food you're making? I'm definitely up for chatting while the polls close - Kara supposed to be tonight but I might bail. I'll probably be too stressed! XD

Whit said...

What's happening Thursday?

Oh man don't be too nervous. I am feeling really good about how this might turn out. HOPE HOPE HOPE.

And yes, the weather has been SO NICE recently.

Meg said...

Oh, a friend of mine from WoW is coming to visit for the weekend. So the house has got to actually be CLEAN for once!

Megan said...

I think Kev and I decided on the sacred buffalo chicken dip. Also, Ben & Jerry's is giving away a free scoop of ice cream to anyone who has an "I Voted" sticker, so we're gonna go grab that...before dinner. ^^;;;

I'm queued up for Kara. We don't have cable, so we'll just be listening to the radio for our election news. We figured raiding would be good stress relief...I'm bouncing off the walls from nervousness, I really need an outlet. ><;;

Meg said...

Omg, I'm definitely going then! Yaaay raiding with you! Yeah, that's true, hanging out and goofing around in vent with everyone should definitely make me feel a bit more at ease.