Thursday, November 6, 2008

7. Walter the MacBook

So, this is gonna be short cause I'm busy busy with James here for the weekend but I refuse to break my streak of blogging so far. Plus, I've gotten some stalkers apparently. *heart*

Went to Mickey' Diner which looks like the dining car of a train and it was a cute little place and have very butter-fried omelets and loud waitresses. It was fun and talking with all three of them was great. We may or may not see them again on Saturday before James leaves, or if he decides to be a goof and stay until Sunday and not go to work on Monday we might go to the bar and man, I love being social again, haha. I'm pretty much talking his ear off, but he doesn't seem to mind much.

At the moment he's talking to my dad about Canadian politics and a WoW commercial in French. Hahahaha good times. Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner aaand then watched the Office and 30 Rock afterward and now talking to people on WoW and trying to fulfill my blog requirements. And now my dad is done distracting him so I am done with this blog! MoA tomorrow!

I'm naming my MacBook Walter. Thank you, Megan.


Megan said...

Fucking win. *bow*

You're welcome.


Whit said...

Who's this James guy?

Anonymous said...

canadians FTW? great name btw. Think I am using a binky bear... damn HP.. never have good names.